There are three types of assessments
Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments are our forté
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assessment platform.
Diagnostic assessments are used to determine students' strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills before instruction begins. They help teachers understand what students already know and what they need to learn.
Example: Before starting a unit on fractions in math, a teacher might administer a diagnostic assessment consisting of basic fraction problems to gauge students' understanding of the topic. Based on the results, the teacher can tailor instruction to address areas where students need the most support.
Formative assessments are conducted during the learning process to provide ongoing feedback to both students and teachers. They help monitor student progress and inform instructional decisions.
Example: During a science experiment, a teacher observes students as they work in groups to investigate the properties of magnets. The teacher asks probing questions, provides feedback, and takes notes on students' understanding and application of scientific concepts. This information helps guide future lessons and interventions.
Summative assessments are administered at the end of a unit, course, or instructional period to evaluate students' overall learning and achievement. They typically measure mastery of content and are often used for grading purposes.
Example: At the end of a history unit on the American Revolution, students take a summative assessment, such as a written exam or project, that assesses their knowledge of key events, causes, and outcomes of the revolution. The results of this assessment provide a summary of what students have learned and their level of proficiency in the subject matter.
Easily create a simple 2-3 question quiz before students take your course so you can see what they already know.
Test your students often to check understanding - adjust your lessons accordingly to meet their needs.
Test your students at the end of a lesson, unit, or course to assess what has been learned and how well it was learned.
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